Bi-Lipschitz embeddings of the space of unordered m-tuples with a partial transportation metric. To appear in Mathematische Annalen. (with D. Bate)
On the existence of sympathetic Lie algebras with dimension less than 25. To appear in Journal of Algebra and its applications. (with G. Salgado)
Geometric reconstructions of density based clusterings. arXiv:2203.08020 Submitted. (with K. Samardzhiev)
Graph Pseudometrics from a Topological Point of View. Research in Computational Topology 2. (2022), Association for Women in Mathematics Series, vol 30, Pages 99-128. (with K. Hess; J. Tan, K. Turner; B. Wang; N. Yerolemou).
A note on the geometry and topology of almost even-Clifford manifolds. Quarterly Journal of Mathematics, Volume 69, Issue 1, 1 March 2018, Pages 321-376. (with with G. Arizmendi; R. Herrera)
Rigidity and vanishing theorems for almost even-Clifford Hermitian manifolds. SIGMA 13, (2017), 027, 28 pages. (with R. Herrera)
Models and string topology, Ph.D. Thesis, University of Warwick. (2013).